Watch Us Go

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Is it just me?

Or, does blogger not let you put a title on a post? For the life of me, I can't get it to display the little bar where I get to name the puppy. RUDE. Oddly enough, it's only this blog. My other ones are just fine. Hm.

Well, I pumped out a measly 2-ish miles yesterday. Trying to ease the beast back into jogging after his week of yarfing. He's much better now, thank you very much. Boiled rice and crushed kibble do a body good. Betcha di'n't know that, huh? I'm determined to make a jogger out of him, because it can get pretty boring tiring out a dog with NO toy-drive. That's right. No fetch, no chasing the Kong, no flying after the frisbee. Walks only. He does really enjoy playing with other dogs, but that requires near-psychicly timed trips to the park. I figure if I can wear out him AND me in one fell swoop, well, there's that much time I don't have to shlep around the neighborhood stopping to sniff EVERYTHING. Did I mention he's part beagle and ruled entirely by his nose?

This past weekend's long-slow-distance run was a complete fiasco. Seriously, people, a fee-ass-ko. See, the Lt had to work that a.m., and I'm really NOT into running at like 5:30 am on a Saturday. So, he gets home, but he's been running himself ragged for about a month and a half now, and was not in 5-mile-run mode, ya know? I'm gonna be all motivated and accountable and crap, like an idiot, so I go. At 2:00. In Okinawa, Japan. Now, for those of you who've never been, Okinawa is in the heart of the steam room that is the central east Pacific. The 5 mile LSD ended up a 3.5-mile-why-for-the-love-of-wool-am-I-the-only-twit-out-here* sweat fest.
* Because I'm the brain-dead one. That's why.

Tomorrow, I have a tempo run, and it'll HAVE to be at 5:30 a.m., cause I'm silly and schedule myself for craziness. It's ok, though, cause it's a week-day.

I've also got to share my week-maker moment. Yesterday at the dog-park, Erica and Tanisha agreed that I've lost weight. Have I mentioned that Erica and Tanisha are my new favorite people? Yeah.


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