Watch Us Go

Friday, May 12, 2006

Steamy like Dim Sum, Baby.

This week was ok for running. Meaning, the Lt did more than me, but I did some, which is better than none!

He pumped out 6 miles, trekking his PFT course twice. The PFT is the Physical Fitness Test, every service has its own version. The USMC's consists of a 3 mile run, a timed crunch drill, and dead-hang pull ups (for boys) or a flexed-arm hang for the girls. When I was in, I despised PFTs and wasn't too stellar at any event. Bah. The Lt, hardbody that he is, kicks ass at every event.

Last weekend's long run was pretty much nil for us both. The Lt had to work, and I went out with the dog determined to pump out 5 miles. Well, let's just say that abruptly changing your dog's food doesn't mesh with running...or eating for that matter. Homeboy's been ralphing all week. Right now, he's on plain boiled rice with about a 1/4 cup of the old kibble smashed in. That's staying down. Poor guy. He'll be back out on the road after he's successfully on full rations for a few days. I'm such a bad mom!!

I went for 3 miles the other day, it was so sad, people! It was "tempo" day. Well, as much as I know what that means, I've never run a 10K, much less timed myself doing so (a key F.I.R.S.T. tempo run ingredient), so my "tempo" is really more of a "kick up the RPE a notch." I knew there was no way I'd last for 3 miles at an uncomfortable pace. At least, not a steady uncomfortable pace. So, I set off to run my own version of tempo, 1/2 mile easy, 1/2 mile uncomfortable. Not hard, not a sprint, barely a run, really, just a notch above where I'd LIKE to be. By the last one, I was considering it uncomfortable just to NOT STOP AND WALK. I told you it was sad!!

Tomorrow is 5 miles...OY.


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