Watch Us Go

Thursday, May 04, 2006

We were so good on Tuesday. We did our first speedwork run!

It consisted of 45 minutes of fun! No really, it started with a 10 minute easy jog, and then 6 X (1 minute fast, 3 minutes easy), and ended with 10 minute cool down. We were so amazingly sweaty. Just so ya know, a rainy day in the steam bath that is Okinawa, Japan is NOT condusive to sweat evap.

We did this workout at the track on base, and it was really nice. The Lt is well capable of leaving me in the dust, so it was nice to be able to go at our own pace but still feel like we were out there running together.

We took Barley along. He's done really well at keeping up, so far, so we figure we'll take him with us till we start going over the 6-ish mile distance. He's just 14 months old, so maybe when he's older we'll take him further. Plus, he usually runs with me, so it's a nice slow pace!!

He hasn't quite figured out that "walks are for sniffing and jogging isn't" yet, but I have confidence he'll pick it up. I just keep saying "go jogging" and hope he'll eventually make the connection. He gets lots of praise, extra milk-bones and sometimes Powerade. He likes the lemon-lime!

Now, thursday, not so good. There was no running. There was a yumm-o chicken tagine and much laughter at my girlfriend's house for dinner!

Today, Barley and I went for a short (15-ish minute) run, and then to the beach for some cool water on the belly. Tomorrow is 5 miles....wish us luck!


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